
How to setup your AR-15 (Part 2 of 6)

Part 2 of a great 6 part tutorial series of how to setup your AR-15 style rifle brought to you by Nate and Travis of Haley Strategic Partners. Travis goes of the body mechanics and how your pistol grip can effect your efficiency with your carbine.  For more information on training or to check out our gear go to https://www.haleystrategic.com/ Photo via Magpul...

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Why the only gun/duty belts I will ever buy are from Special Operations Equipment

I want to start off by saying that this is not an advertisement, I am not funded, sponsored, nor have received any free shit to review from Special Operations Equipment (SOE), because I know how people are on the internet, and just in general. This is just my opinion of the undeniable quality of a product.  I have tried many duty belts, many...

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Happy Constitution Day

Today September 17, 2016 marks the 129th birth of the Constitution of the United States of America.  On this day 129 years ago, September 17, 1787, thirty-nine brave men, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to ratify and sign the document they had created. We encourage all Americans to observe this important day in our nation's history by attending...

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EDC Update: September 16, 2016

On body EDC update 09.13.16 My keys in a Key Bar key holder, Trayvax Axis wallet, R.A.T.S tourniquet, Leatherman Rail multi-tool, Casio Pro Trek PRW-3000 triple sensor atomic watch, Ti-EDC titanium knuckle, jet lighter, Spyder Co Resilience knife, Glock 19 gen4 (9mm) w/extra magazine, Surefire X300 weapon mounted light (New upgraded 600 lumen model), 550 fire cord bracket (w/fishing kit, wire saw, &...

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How to setup your AR-15 (Video 1 of 6)

A great 6 part tutorial series of how to setup your AR-15 style rifle brought to you by Nate and Travis of Haley Strategic Partners.  "Nate goes over how to set up your adjustable stock to fit you and help improve your body mechanics. This video is the first of six videos in the series sharing how to set up your carbine." For...

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The social media of shooting

The Shooting Club app take a fun and new approach to bringing the firearms community together. It touts itself as "The world's first social shooting experience", bring many people to call it the Facebook for guns. The app launched on both Android and IOS in May of 2014, and has started to gain a pretty large following. The Shooting Club allows people to...

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Katie Couric for Misleading gun documentary edits is facing a $12 million defamation suit

Gun control Liar Virginians Citizens Defense League (VCDL) filed a suit against Katie Couric and "Under the Gun" director Stephanie Soechtig. The $12 million defamation lawsuit is for the misleading edits to the 2016 film they touted as a documentary The misleading edits to the film the VCDL said made members appear stumped by Couric's gun control questions, when in fact they were...

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An Epic video of Marsoc Operators training how to Fuck shit up

The MARSOC Raiders are one of the best badasses in the Special Forces and Operations community. They go through a crazy intense seven month training course. The video shows the awesomeness of these War Fighters. ...

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We will never forget

Fifteen years ago today our country was irrevocably changed. We honor and remember our fallen, the first responders, all the innocent, the heros, and our armed forces the war-fighters that are protecting our freedoms. We the people of the United States of America will never forget! ...

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An awesome video of the Top 5 reasons you CANNOT vote for Hillary Clinton

Here is a great video by Steven Crowder, from his YouTube channel Louder with Crowder, of the top 5 reasons you should not and cannot vote for Hillary Clinton. ...

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Prosecutors allege former Taurus Executives knowingly sold weapons to Arms trafficker in Yemen

Two former Executives of Taurus, a Brazilian company and the largest weapons manufacturer in South America, allegedly sold guns to a known Yemeni arms trafficker. The arms trafficker then pushed those weapons into his nations civil war in total violation of International sanctions, according to charges in court documents reviewed by Reuters. A picture of the destruction in Yemen. (source: usnews.com)  "Federal prosecutors in...

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One of my favorite 5.56 AR-15 (Built)

My primary rifle is a AR-15 chambered in 5.56, it is a custom build of parts that I believe will make an accurate and reliable AR-15, assembled by myself. In my opinion it is far better and can be cost effective to build your own rifle rather than buying one, but that a topic for another discussion. Back on topic this is my...

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Salient Arms International TiN Bolt Carrier Group quite possibly the best AR-15 BCG ever made.

AR-15 bolt carrier groups are one of two components that are considered to be the heart of the rifle, the BCG and the barrel. When you see a bolt carrier group you wouldn't associate the word beautiful with it, just function. Then there is the Salient Arms International's titanium nitride bolt carrier group with an integrated gas key it is beautiful, sexy, and superbly...

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